Prayer Requests

Submit a Prayer Request

  • Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and blood pressure issues. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and become newer each day. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve and aunt Jackie In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen
    Phil Chavez - Jul 24 2021
  • I am studying theology at Newbold College in the UK, hoping to continue with an MA within two months and doing a part-time internship at Newbold Church - also please pray for my finances and accommodation, thank you, Philip.
    Philip de Rivaz - Jul 14 2021
  • I am studying theology at Newbold College in the UK and doing a part-time internship at Newbold Church - also please pray for my finances and accommodation, thank you, Philip.
    Philip de Rivaz - Apr 22 2021
  • Please pray with me! Heavenly Father, for the sake of Jesus, your dear Son, have mercy on us, and hear my humble prayer. I pray for Marcos de Souza Lima, that his live and actions might be guided and guarded by the Holy Spirit. I pray that you might help me Lord in my Job and in my Life, and in my Health; transforming my history. Please be with my dear Fatima Rodriguez, that she has a sense of your direction and spirit of knowledge. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Thank you!
    Rob R - Mar 16 2021
  • For early issuance of my wife's family reunion visa to Germany.
    Obumneme Nzekwe - Jan 03 2021
  • Please pray for my husband Sharath's salvation. He walked away from Christ, away from our marriage and started worshiping idols (eastern religion). But God has promised me that He will lead him to repentance and use him and me in His work. All I can see is things getting worse, but I walk by faith not by sight. So please pray for my husband to accept Jesus and come back to me. God has promised to restore every thing I lost, so I'm waiting patiently. Also, couple of my friends (Jeba and Rose) are sick, please pray for their healing. God bless you all for your ministry. Thank you!
    Sheela Sharath - Dec 30 2020
  • Please pray for my husband Sharath's salvation. He walked away from Christ, away from our marriage and started worshiping idols (eastern religion). But God has promised me that He will lead him to repentance and use him and me in His work. All I can see is things getting worse, but I walk by faith not by sight. So please pray, I want my husband to accept Jesus and come back to me. God has promised to restore every thing back to me, so I'm waiting patiently. Also, my friends (Jackie, Jeba and Rose) are sick, please pray for their healing. God bless you all for your ministry. Thank you!
    Sheela Sharath - Dec 22 2020
  • Please pray with me for my Mother and Fatima Rodriguez, and for the blessing of the Lord in My Life & Job. May the Grace, Peace and Protection of the holy spirit dwell in our lives. And that through the blood of Jesus, may we pray for the mercy and healing of the Lord in the life of Luciana Lima. Blessed be, amen. Thank you! 
    Rob R - Nov 24 2020
  • please keep me in your prayers. After experiencing worship with fellow members who are defiant against wearing a mask, I have decided to remain at home and worship through the web. Maybe because I am a nurse and hear about the long term effects and even death of individuals that I insist on masks for others in our congregation. Please pray that I have the Holy Spirit with me on Sabbath during my home worship experience. And that those who have to take up my responsibilities at church understand that its very difficult for me to remain away from my church family, I have to do all that I can to protect others who are not wearing masks. Thank you
    SHEILA HINTON - Nov 21 2020
  • Please Pray Healing for Hearing loss, Memory, Bad Posture, Body Pain, Blood Pressure and others )Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for Lorraine Chavez now in Jesus Name. Pray Debt be gone from Lorraine Chavez in Jesus Name. Lorraine Chavez Possessions(House,Cars,Appliances Ext.) last a 100 times longer and become newer each day now in Jesus Name. I pray for Lorraine Chavez. And Please Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for my uncle Seve Chacon.In the name of Jesus Christ my dog Jezebel be healed of Lipoma and all other sicknesses and discomfort.
    Phil Chavez - Oct 21 2020
  • Good afternoon pastor, please help me pray to God to reverse every evil attack against my life, destiny and future back to the sender in Jesus name, i see these man called Danjuma fwenji attacking me in the night. i see him praying evil prayers trying to cripple and palarise my spirit. pray to God that every attack against me be reversed back to the sender in Jesus name. pray for the anointing of God be upon my spirit. secondly am seeking for a job here in nigeria, pray that i will be favoured. thank you.
    pirfa kumbin - Sep 18 2020
  • Hello! I know this may seem dorky or lame but I'm tired of the quarantine because of the coronavirus. It's depressing and the news is depressing. This world seems so dark. My brother put up a hummingbird feeder in the backyard. Can you pray that God sends us lots of hummingbirds and butterflies to look at in the garden? I just want to see nature and God's creations. I think it will be a blessing for the whole family as we quarantine. Thank you for praying and God bless you!
    K J - Jul 17 2020
  • Special prayer for special protection for god through Christ to protect and remove all danger both seen and unseen and including covid-19 and all virus/&DISEASE from me and both of our families both spiritual and mental and in both professional and personal life. Give us the holy spirit. give us all positive emotion and happiness on my family list including Charles Wright, Lisa Ariotti, Lloyd, Randolph, Juliet, Joan & husband, Witcom and Ashley, Rose , Marcia and kids , Etta,
    charles wright - Jul 07 2020
  • Please continue to intercede for my prayers. According to the Glory in Christ Jesus, pray that the Lord will involve Me and my Job and my Home, and Fatima Rodriguez, with a protection that no weapon formed against us will prosper, and may the Lord pour out the Holy Spirit on Marcus de Souza Lima & Iranice Tavares, so that they may be come closer to God. Blessed are the aspects of our lives, amen.
    ROB R - Jul 04 2020
    charles wright - Jul 03 2020
  • Special prayer for special protection for god through Christ to protect and remove all danger both seen and unseen away from me and both of our families both spiritual and mental and in both professional and personal life. Give us the holy spirit. give us all positive emotion and happiness and will , time to read his word to understand, farther son, holy spirit on all levels. heal my back lower spine. Bless whole financially and move to safe haven according to your will
    charles wright - Jul 03 2020
  • Please Pray for my 16 years old daughter Bith. She uses to be very obedience and honest child, but ever since she started secondary school things have changed. she is caught up with ungodly children and as a result, she has changed for the worse. She is getting rebellious very disrespectful towards me and wants to be in control. Although I am doing my best by the grace of God to keep my feet firm I do feel like giving up at times. However, I am determined to remain firm with love towards her by Gods grace Please pray that the Lord will put enmity between her and her ungodly friends so that she may not turn her back on God and that she will get closer to God and be respectful towards me as her mum. Thanks Mary
    Mary Modeste - Jun 23 2020
  • Please pray for my father Kiro who had a stroke on Friday. He is in the ICU, not able to move, speak or eat. We are heartbroken and scared, but we know God is the best healer. Amen
    Vlado A - May 24 2020
  • Please pray that I may be healed of hip bursitis,right side,due to a fall.Thank you for your prayers.Sid Nelson Alabama
    Sid Nelson - May 16 2020
  • My car is broke down and I lost my job. Pray my tax comes in to fix the car so my family doesn't lose everything.
    Henry Shaner - May 12 2020
  • Hello thank you I am doing bankruptcy if you can pray for the lawyers 2 court cases to do things fast and well Thank you also I just started new business if you can pray for God to give me success My mom going to radiation for skin cancer to be healed my dad s health his contracts to continue and people he works with to continue paying him My brother bipolar for healing with natural remedies for their salvation For me to get along with people and with Jesus success in music and girlfriend thank you Suscribe youtube channel
    phil phil - Apr 29 2020
  • Please Pray Healing for Hearing loss, Memory, Bad Posture, Body Pain, Blood Pressure and others )Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for Lorraine Chavez now in Jesus Name. Pray Debt be gone from Lorraine Chavez in Jesus Name. Lorraine Chavez Possessions(House,Cars,Appliances Ext.) last a 100 times longer and become newer each day now in Jesus Name. I pray for Lorraine Chavez. And Please Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for my uncle Seve Chacon
    Phil Chavez - Apr 24 2020
  • Please continue to pray for the Lord's mercy, deliverance and healing in the lives of Maria de Nazare & Michele Rios. And for the grace and protection of the Lord in My live and Job, and in the live of Fátima Rodriguez; may we be guided by the Holy Spirit, that the Lord will involve Me and my Job, with a protection that no weapon formed against us will prosper, amen. Thank you!
    Rob R - Apr 09 2020
  • I would like people to pray that God will work out God's Will for Ronyae in Ronyae's life. So that God's name will be glorified in Heaven and on Earth. So that Ronyae and his family will know that God is the God over Heaven and on Earth. Praise be to God whose Mercy and Grace endures forever. In Jesus Holy Name. Thank you God. Amen
    Laura Brusstar - Apr 08 2020
  • Hey my name is Ryan Salais. I am asking people to pray in agreement for an immediate miracle of freedom over a situation in which I was falsely accused of a crime I didn’t do. I’ve also suffered from demonic attacks daily please agree for it to end and for me to be freed. Please pray also for a tsunami that my friend Claire had a dream about in it the Lord asked if we pray against it it will be reduced and ultimately prevented. Please also pray for a tsunami a pastor was shown where Florida in the USA was covered. Thanks God bless. Matthew 18v19 whatever two or more agree upon on the earth they shall have.
    Ryan Salais - Apr 05 2020
  • Special prayer for special protection for god through Christ to protect and remove all danger both seen and unseen and including covid-19 and all virus/&DISEASE from me and both of our families both spiritual and mental and in both professional and personal life. Give us the holy spirit. give us all positive emotion and happiness on my family list including Charles Wright, Lisa Ariotti, Lloyd, Randolph, Juliet, Joan & husband, Witcom and Daughter, Rose , Marcia and kids , Etta,
    charles wright - Mar 20 2020
  • I believe the Lord is leading me into a fast during this season, because of the worldwide coronavirus outbreak. Pray that the Lord will show me how this fast should be conducted, how long, and pray for the strength to enter into and complete this fast. Pray for the discipline to cry out for the countries and individuals with coronavirus. I believe the Lord is bringing a great shaking, and I want Him to bring the gospel and inner cleansing and healing to those with coronavirus. Pray that many other Christians in my part of Virginia will join me in this fast; we will be stronger together. Pray that it will be a season of brokenness for us, a season of transformation, where we learn to walk in deeper intimacy with Christ, and get deeply in touch with His heart for the nations. (Ezek 22:30-31)
    Seth McAdams - Mar 15 2020
  • Healing for Hearing loss, Memory, Bad Posture, Body Pain, Memory, Blood Pressure and others )Pray Excellent health from head to toe and long life for Lorraine Chavez now in Jesus Name. Pray Debt be gone from Lorraine Chavez in Jesus Name. Lorraine Chavez Possessions(House,Cars,Appliances Ext.) last a 100 times longer and become newer each day now in Jesus Name. I pray for Lorraine Chavez. I pray God for excellent health and wellness. I pray for your right hand of protection and continued healing over Lorraine. I plead the blood of Jesus over Lorraine and may she continually sense your presence and experience your goodness. I pray God that you will supernaturally cancel Lorraine's debt. I pray God that you will help Lorraine to pay off her debt as she is a good steward of the money you've given her. I thank you Lord for financial freedom over Lorraine and for favoring and providing for her. Thank you Lord for your abundance from Heaven as you shower Lorraine with your love and power and assistance from on High.
    Phil Chavez - Mar 15 2020
  • Please pray that God will reveal to the body of Christ exactly how to pray for me. Pray that the Lord will bring me together with a group of powerful prayer warriors, where we can fast and pray for each other, and pray for other issues around us. I’ve moved across the US to Hampton Virginia, and started a new ministry job. It seems I’ve been spiritually attacked this first month in every area where I’m vulnerable, including finances, health, and in the job itself. I believe I could handle this better if I had a strong group of prayer-warrior friends, so we could intercede for each other, and seek the face of Jesus Christ together. Pray for strong discipleship relationships, where I’m discipling or being discipled. My single-person apartment is isolating to me. Pray that I will be able to live in the kind of Christian community—the family of Christ that I was designed for. Thank you.
    Seth McAdams - Feb 29 2020
  • Please help me to continue praying that the Holy Spirit will intercede in My actions and in the actions of Ana Claudia; may our actions become God's blessings through the blood of Jesus, and for the grace of the Lord in my life and in my Job, and in the life of Ana Claudia, so that we may be guided by the Holy Spirit, blessed and protected, amen. Thank you !
    Rob R - Feb 11 2020
  • We need you Lord love thank praise worship you surrender submit to you give you our past present future with gratitude and trust and service to do your will in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to the glory of God by the power of the holy Spirit as we seek your face.You know our urgent need and there's no point for us to become homeless at this advanced age because we would be unable to minister and be used of you. Lord restores financially because you know what was no fault of our own and that we have paid it forward according to your will and down it is time for you in this final hour to restore us Lord as we seek only your face. We repent of our sins and we ask salvation for our last loved ones to the glory of God and healing from addictions and deliverance from evilguns and gangs and crimes and violence and trauma and abuse. Lord you are everything first last and always forever. We have much to be grateful for and we ask financial restoration because we have to have somewhere to live and you know how we lost our life savings. Dear Jesus please heal Nicholas, Julian, Cindy, Scotty, Scott, Sophie, Junior, Johnny, Nathan, Shanon, Tiffany, Jennifer, Sarah, Desiree, all of the family and relationships dear Lord that they might know you dear Jesus. God we are in such a need Lord you know where the final hour. Please Lord you know that we are responsible to provide for others and we cannot do that living outside. Your Jesus you know our work ethic and our dedication and you know our faults and our sins and you know that we are sorry and we are dependent upon you and we want to be changed And completely restored by the power of the holy Spirit that we might be used of you. Amen thank you God we love you and we thank you for so many mighty miracles and we are in awe of you. You are wonderful and everything Lord amen
    C F - Feb 08 2020
  • First let us give the Lord thanks for the abundance of all things.Please pray that the Lord would deliver his people from evil men; That the Lord would preserve his people from violent men, who plan evil things in their heart and stir up wars continually. Pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,divination and violence. Pray for world wide repentance that people would turn to God, so that he will forgive their sins. Please pray and intercede without ceasing that God's will be done in the lives of the world's leaders and for our leaders to seek God and listen to Him. Pray that they would be surrounded by godly counsel and, that President Trump and the world leaders would personally know God and the salvation found through faith in Jesus Christ alone. That we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. God can turn the hearts of kings. Earnestly pray that the people of America and its leaders will humble themselves and seek the Lords face and turn from their wicked ways. Pray that the Lord would hear from heaven and forgive our countries sins and heal our land. God Bless America Pray that the Lord would grant peace in America, that we may lie down and no one will make us afraid. That the Lord would remove wild beasts from the land, and that the sword will not pass through our country and that President Trump along with our leaders be filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might to declare the sins of Gods people. Please pray for revival and that the Lord would pour out his spirit on his servants, throughout the world both men and women. Pray for the peace of Israel. Gods will be done on earth as it is in heaven.In Jesus Name, Amen.
    Angela Hughes - Dec 15 2019
  • Please help me to pray humbly for the release of the souls of Luciana Lima and Fatima Rodriguez; guided by the Holy Spirit be they. That Blessed and protected be the Pastors Rogerio & Ederson, Marilena, Gayle and Denise, and my Job. Blessed be Severina Gomes & Agremina Pinheiros. In the name of Jesus, Amen. Thank you!
    Rob R - Dec 12 2019
  • I have a prayer wall at my church; both of my friends have prayer boxes at their respective churches; I have a vast prayer "anonymous" prayer network that I engage with--at least one from your list is in or on the aforementioned. Here is the other: Salvation for family--God would speak to them, love on them, touch them, reveal himself to them, and trouble them until they find rest and peace at the cross of Christ. The same goes for the following I have been witnessing to: Mia, Jamia, Angie, the woman at the store whom I talked with briefly, How, Tony, Ivan, Marcos, Aaron, Karen,Tom B., Jackie, Ron,Tom, Allan, Nila, Amy,Gus, Donna, and all those at the China Buffet. Miranda and her 3 girls: Madison, Madeline, Meredith for more faith, hope, love, peace, protection, power, hope, joy, healing, and prosperity. Deeper faith for all the following: Alex, Keith, David P, Vance, Nadia, Judy and her family, Denise, Julio, James, NANCY, Jack, George, Rosie, Fern, Sorge, Freddie, Dan, Van, Ann, Martin, Isabella, Illiana, Steve, Mike, Al, Judy, Lourdes, Alicia, Maurice, Dave, Maria, Andriana, Arnie, Ray, Carline and the kids, Brenda and her grandkids, prayer partners both near and far, Jane, Kevin, Tony and his wife (their marriage is failing) and all those I have ever handed a tract to. Furthermore, Jack, James, Tracey, Jim would be convicted about the end of time--maybe God would give them a dream or vision or send someone their way. Jim Bo--God would trouble him until he finds rest in him. Savannah and Isaiah would repent, turn to Jesus, and get baptized; Brenda would read her Bible--she has stopped. Bret would stop using drugs and turn to Jesus. Heather would stay on the straight and narrow and find her way back to Jesus. I have two big tests coming up--God would have mercy on me. I have a rash on my back that is not going away; God have mercy on me. Thank God I have food in my frig, clothes on my back, a roof over my head, a job, my health, friends, and peace. God would take the following out of the Jehovah Witnesses--Kathy, Elijah, Isaac, and Ines. Also, Isaac is not going his school work and he is a young man in his 20's. He is very lazy and slothful. May God touch his heart and turn his life around. Rosie's sister's marriage needs healing. Wisdom in all things with radical love in Christ for myself. Thanks
    - Dec 01 2019
  • please pray to heal Magdalena Lovejoy of all illegal spatial entrapment for her and her cat Kildy and stop Satan's choice in her life and send the enemy away from her and her family and please stop all evil in her life, sending her a healing cup from Jesus and hope for being a good person and a good Christian. Thank you, Magdalena Lovejoy
    Magdalena Lovejoy - Nov 25 2019
  • 1. Healing for: Agnes in critical condition(2 kidneys not functioning at all) ; Ellen's brother (mental problem); Thomas, Enock & Joseph(prostate); Bessie(liver, etc); AKO(mental issues) 2. BA asks for success & breakthrough in ongoing job hiring process, etc 3. Jobs for Richard, Martha, Benny, Abok 4. Building construction breakthrough for Lydia and siblings 5.Alcoholics: Jones, Enock, K 6. Lost of interest in spiritual life are the following: Eben, Jones, Barnabas, Juliana, Enock, Rosina, Avia, Ruth, Emmanuel, Moise's brothers, Tiago 7. HA is disobeying her parents in moving ahead in dating & courting J. Her parents disagree but she is proving stubborn. The parents seek divine intervention in finding the right and suitable man for HA.
    - Nov 21 2019
  • please pray to Jesus to heal Christopher Laye and Magdalena Lovejoy of all unhealed wounds and send millions of angels to protect us and heal us from abandonment and missing our mother and father and send us a healing cup from Jesus and send the disability away and the drug addictions and pray to heal Jonathan Doyle of unhealed wounds and send God's protection for all animals going extinct like bees, snails, pythons, alligators, bears, lions and parrots and jaguares so they are alive in a green earth. Thank you, Magdalena Lovejoy
    Magdalena Lovejoy - Nov 19 2019
  • Bless Filiberto with a Teradruple portion of the HOLY SPIRIT, and Bless Filiberto above and beyond his imagination.
    - Nov 17 2019
  • Bless Filiberto with a Teradruple portion of the HOLY SPIRIT, and Bless Filiberto above and beyond his imagination.
    - Nov 17 2019
  • Hello i am requesting prayer for me to succeed in trading i have massage business and clients steal money this is my last option Also.if you can pray for me to have success in music and girlfriend For my dad jack bill brother suzan be saved healed and financialy independent
    Phil Phil - Nov 17 2019
  • Hello i am requesting prayer for me to succeed in trading i have massage business and clients steal money this is my last option Also.if you can pray for me to have success in music and girlfriend For my dad jack bill brother suzan be saved healed and financialy independent
    Phil Phil - Nov 17 2019
  • Please help me pray that the Holy Spirit will intercede in all the actions of Michele Rios & Maria de Nazaré & Fatima Rodriguez and Iranice Tavares; may all actions become blessings of God,That Blessed and Protected be the Pastors Rogerio & Ederson, and all from the prayer group formed by Jose, Laura, Linda, Sandy, Vera, Claudia & Maria Sobel . In the name of Jesus, Thank you!
    ROB R - Nov 06 2019
  • Please pray for my friend Kurt P. He’s challenged with many daily tasks, working long stressful hours, tough life events, loss during recent California wildfires, health issues and fear of unknown. Years ago, You blessed him, his life turned around and today he needs another intervention. Bring him peace, guidance, and light his path to show him what to accomplish and to what to say no. Help him ease his daily schedule so he can have time for selfcare, family and close friends. Guide him to better opportunities while giving him strength through You. Amen
    V.K. A - Nov 01 2019
  • Hello thank you I have business in which employees and clients steal my money and authorities in this country are not doing anything I am training at trading and if you can pray for God to give me success Also my dad might loose his contract if you can pray for his to have new contracts and keep the one he has thank you for me to get along with people as people with demons are always causing troubles as they see Jesus in me Also to have succes sin music endeavor finding musicians touring Also to have girlfriend for my mom to be healed from cancer brother from bipolar and with dad them to be saved thank you
    phil PHIL - Oct 31 2019
  • Please praying for the release and healing of Michele Rios & Maria de Nazare & Fatima Rodriguez, that all they actions may become in God's Grace, that the Holy Spirit may touch they lives and hearts. Blessed be my Mother and the prayer group formed by Jose, Laura, Linda,Sandy, Vera, Claudia & Maria Sobel , Amen.
    ROB R - Oct 14 2019
  • Hello thank you I have business in which employees and clients steal my money and authorities in this country are not doing anything I am training at trading and if you can pray for God to give me success Also to get along with people as people with demons are always causing troubles as they see Jesus in me Also to have succes sin music endeavor finding musicians touring Also to have girlfriend for my mom to be healed from cancer brother from bipolar and with dad them to be saved thank you
    phil PHIL - Oct 07 2019
  • Hello thank you for your prayers I am in great need my employees and clients steal from me I am left with nothing the police does not do anything in this country I am in deep distress Also I have 2 court cases in the which I have not done anything I also ask social blessing seems like satan puts a stop to meeting people and finances To have girlfriend For God to give real estate and financial independence For mom suzan has cancer jack dad billy brother to be healed financial well and saved Thank you please pray thank you
    phil PHIL - Sep 25 2019
  • My prayer partners have at least one request from the above list. Here is the other: David and Kathy need wisdom. Joey would surrender to Jesus. Chrissy and all her prayer requests. Nicole would surrender to Jesus-_God would trouble her soul. Anthony is a NYC detective--God would protect him and give him a special blessing for HIS honor and glory. Tracey and James would accept the deeper truths of scripture. God would bless the men's conference at my friends church. Brenda would repent and read her Bible. Her sister is not doing well. Salvation for family and friends. God would speak to each and every one of them in a special way so as to get their attention. My cousin Alyssa has a very poor heart-she is very sick. They have tried everything to help her but the financial pit keeps getting bigger and bigger and her condition keeps getting worse and worse. Either this is being used by to save her or she needs to be healed or she needs a completely new heart. Deeper faith for the following: The Pastor of my new church, Jim Bo, Jim, Keith, Alex, Dan, David, Ann, Martin, Roger, Anthony, Al, Mike, Steve, Teresa, Bill, Judy, and Tony. Some people I know have just started a new church today. God bless them all. Miranda and her 3 girls: Madison, Madeline, Meredith for more love and faith and wisdom and protection. Tom would start reading his bible and go to church. The prayer wall and the prayer box--God knows. ....God would open a door for me to work with Mia and her family to continue to serve them and witness to them. I would know what to do with the two middle schoolers I am working with. God save Mia, Angie, Aaron, How, Ivan, Karen, Amy, and Lina...Mitzy would surrender to Jesus. John would surrender to Jesus.
    - Sep 21 2019
  • Please pray for the intercession of the holy spirit and spiritual discernment in the live and heart of Cathy Parks, Blessed be she in every situation. In the name of Jesus, amen.
    Rob R - Sep 12 2019
  • special prayer for special protection for god through Christ to protect and remove all danger both seen and unseen away from me and both of our families in both professional and personal life. give us all positive emotion and happiness and will , time to read his word to understand, father son, holy spirit on all levels. heal my back lower spine.
    charles wright - Sep 08 2019
  • Please pray for me and my husband to conceive and also help us pray that the Lord will remember us ,we need His help none of us are working at the moment and we need jobs.
    Callie Chidohwe - Aug 14 2019
  • special prayer for special protection for god through Christ to protect and remove all danger both seen and unseen away from me and both in our jobs and home professional and personal life. Have me keep and protect my current employment and give me a better paying job I like with the right people and permanent affordable cheap large apartment better than current apartment in a safe neighborhood with smart people career driven
    charles wright - Aug 10 2019
  • special prayer for special protection for god through Christ to protect and remove all danger both seen and unseen away from me and both in our jobs and home professional and personal life. Have me keep and protect my current employment and give me a better paying job I like with the right people and permanent affordable cheap large apartment better than current apartment in a safe neighborhood with smart people career driven
    charles wright - Aug 10 2019
  • Please pray for the following: - My husband has an interview on Wed (08/07/2019), please pray for God to open this door if it will be a blessing to His relationship with God, our family, financially, emotionally peaceful and an overall blessing. The current job where he is, is very stressful. - We are expecting a baby and our 21 week check up is this week, please pray that our baby is healthy and everything is well with him. Please pray for the rest of the pregnancy to be great as has been so far by God's grace. Please also pray for a healthy delivery. I'm abit scared of delivery since its my first pregnancy, also pray for God to give me courage, strength and confidence in him. Lastly please pray for our son to be mentally, physically and spiritually whole, for him to grow in the ways of Christ and to become a man after God's own heart. -My mom is recovering from being in the hospital, please pray for complete healing. -My sister's husband's mom is also recovering from brain surgery, please pray for complete healing as well. -My job has been quite stressful, please pray for things to settle and for me to be able to maintain it for a while, since it is a blessing to us in other aspects. -Last but not least, please pray for our marriage to be always blessed, we love each other and we love God, please pray for us to always maintain God's presence in our union, individually and together and for God's name to be glorified through our union. Please also pray that we will grow deeper in love each day. - A family friend with breast cancer, for healing - A friend struggling with anxiety -God's protection over our family from the enemy.
    Dee A - Aug 05 2019
  • Please pray for the lives of my Daughters and my Son and my Mother; that the Lord may intercede for us all and that by the blood of Jesus, blessed be Kathryn Ryan at this time and that she be delivered from the current of the enemy in the name of Jesus, amen.
    Rob R - Jul 19 2019
  • please pray that i find a place to stay before its too late pray that my income comes in time also for my health problems and that i find my wallet also that i sell all the furniture in the house also that i find someone to love me for me and have a family of my own
    brenda morris - Jul 02 2019
  • Prayer for a healthy pregnancy, baby and delivery, so far so good, we are in the second trimester. Prayer for continued blessings in our marriage and a lifetime of love with the Lord as our center. Please pray for me, i have a job interview with business client tomorrow. Please pray for my husband who is changing career paths for the right door to open. Please also pray for my relationship with my family, its a toxic situation that is stressing me out, which i don't need while expecting our baby. Please pray for our baby to be received with love by both our families Lastly, my sister inlaw and husband have a great need and they are preparing for an interview that could be life changing for them and their 3 children in a positive way. Please pray for God to open that door and provide financially and to make it possible for them to pass their exams which will greatly determine the outcome. Thank you and may God bless you!!
    D Allen - Jun 18 2019
  • 1. BAA, MNA and Richard are jobless 2. Backsliding are James, Avia, Enock, Miguel, Barnabas, Jones, Rosina, Ebenezer 3.healing for Phyllis, Sherrie, Juliana, Stephen, Thomas, Martha, Lizz, Noah, KAO, Alejandra, Emilce, Bessie, Laura's sister, Rebecca 4. Amos and neighbours seeking a breakthrough in their land/plots litigation and settlement issues. 5. Benny seeking a breakthrough in his CPE program and construction projects challenges 6. BA and wife, and nephew RAB need employment desperately
    John o. - Jun 08 2019
  • Special production around Charles Wright and family for better , job, make and happiness.. Remove all evil from around both seen and unseen. Heal my mental and emotional issues, physical issues.
    charles wright - May 10 2019
  • Thank you for your prayers my mom has heart failure she needs to take hawthorne vitamin c and cayenne in enough dosage and she s not , please pray that she does so thank you I need help to have stability, clients and emplpoyees Some steal from me I m in great distress don t know what to do please pray for God to heal this situation For a court case in USA so that I can go back to USA For my dad jacques to have new contracts my brother billy to be healed from bipolar ocd sleep apnea to stop smoking and drinking for them three to be saved I need friends and girlfriend and have solid income as now very hard situation helped by my parents thank you Phil
    phil PHIL - Apr 29 2019
  • Please pray for my wife, for confession, repentance, and conversion. And that she will gain a gentle, Christ-like spirit.
    J B - Apr 22 2019
  • I pray that Joseph will find a young SDA lady and have a happy marriage, and leave the one who is leading him to ecumenism. For my daughters to be holy at His sight.
    - Apr 21 2019
  • Please pray for my marriage. I am seeing signs of infidelity in my wife. I don’t want to make any accusations. But I am very troubled. I just want to know the truth. I am asking for peace of mind and understanding and wisdom to know how to handle the situation.
    Jeremiah B - Apr 08 2019
  • Pray for Our Country the United States of America to humble ourselves and turn to god. Pray for our Grandmother Lenora’s families and friends for strength and comfort in their time of need. Pray for Israel and the Jewish people Pray for the family of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein For strength and comfort. . Pray for peace and comfort during this difficult time. Pray for my family and for those who are sick for healing. Pray for my mother and my father and their health, deliverance from alcohol addiction and needs. Pray for my older sister and her husband, pray for her two daughters and three sons. Pray for my nephew who is having suicidal thoughts for peace in his life. Pray for my little sister and her friend. Prayer for my brother for deliverance from any addiction and salvation, and pray for his girlfriend and his two baby sons for hedge of protection. . Pray for my relationship with my next door neighbor for our relationship to grow stronger and better than it has ever been. Help us draw closer together than ever before. Pray that we won't break apart for our love to be better than ever and her behavior and choices. Also pray for a miracle for our relationship to be more intimate. Pray for how my neighbor has treated me and how to love me more than before. Pray that nothing and no one will tear us apart. Pray for pulling down the strongholds and soul ties in her life. Stop all the wrongful and hurtful things that have been destroying our relationship. Set my neighbor free from the world of the enemy, from bad company and influences, from soul ties, and the things of the world. Pray that my neighbor won’t leave me and to bring us together each day. Pray for restoration of what we had together and to bring our hearts together. Pray for my neighbor and her whole family for deliverance from any wickedness and rebellion, salvation also draws closer together to do things the godly way. Pray for my neighbor's brother, cousins, and others. Pray for the children and teenagers at the school and in community that come from a dysfunctional for deliverance from wickedness and rebellion. Pray for salvation family members for deliverance for addiction and to turn their life around. Pray for Myself. Pray for my neighbor’s grandfather. Pray for a little girl’s father, brother, and cousin. Pray for the family, friends and students for strength and comfort for the loss of a 6th grade teacher. Pray for another little girl’s family. Pray for my cousin Jason. Pray for My baby nephew Mason. Pray for the family and friends for the loss of Titus Nez for strength and comfort. Pray for a student for comfort and strength over the loss of a friend. Pray for my cousin Stacey and her family. Pray for my uncle Arthur. Pray for the victims of the hurricane in Florida. Pray for the victims of the shooting in a school in Santa Fe, Texas. Pray for the victims of those whose experience domestic violence for peace and comfort. Pray for the Billy Graham Evangelist Association and the Graham family. Pray for the family and friends of John McCain. Pray for a relative for her children and grandchildren. Pray for a sister in Christ who has cancer and her kidneys for healing and her daughter for deliverance from addiction. Pray for a sister in Christ coworker’s family for strength and comfort over a loss of a love one. Pray for a sister in Christ and her family for strength and comfort over the loss of her father. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ for their walk with the lord and their dreams all over the world and the churches also pray for the persecuted church in Africa. Pray for revival. Pray for families who had family members commit suicide for strength, comfort, peace, and guidance. Pray for my co-worker's family for strength and comfort over the loss of her sister. Pray for a sister in Christ named Gina and her husband and pray for her children for deliverance from wickedness and depression. Pray for another sister in Christ named Elvira for her relationship with her children and her child to be delivered from wickedness. Pray for our Pastor and his wife for what they go through to take care of his father. Pray for our former pastor family. Pray for people who are living hard lives for peace and protection in every area in their life and their prayers. Pray for the teenagers and the children in all the communities for deliverance and salvation. Pray for a sister in Christ for her campaign. Pray for those who preaching and teach different believes to people for salvation. Pray for another sister in Christ named Carlena for her life and her children. Pray for Kathleen Francisco. Pray for the family of Bruce Pablo for strength and comfort in their time of need. Pray for a sister in Christ for strength and comfort over the loss of her father. Pray for the family of Gilbert Norris for strength and comfort in their time of need. Pray for my coworker named Morris Antone. Pray for another sister in Christ for her family and a special prayer for her neighborhood called the rentals. Pray for another sister in Christ for her and her daughter. Pray for those who are heartbroken from relationships or other painful event for restoration. Pray for the children on the bus and the bus driver. Pray for my co-workers and pray for myself for restoration in my relationships, dreams to come to pass and face to face encounter with the lord. Pray for Victory and the victories of others
    Kenneth Wilson - Apr 04 2019
  • please send the enemy away from me and Jhana Maya Bradshaw and family and send Paul Bernardo to God to leave my mind and family so we are set free by Jesus.
    Magdalena Lovejoy - Apr 04 2019
  • Please pray for my wife. She has become violent lately and we have had to separate. Please pray she softens her heart and repents of this activity and that she seeks to become more Christ-like and has a total heart conversion. And that she seeks reconcilliation. Thank you. God bless.
    L’s Husband - Mar 31 2019
  • weather its physical , mental, emotional or spiritual, pray for the lord to remove or take away all curse of not succeeding never to return.
    charles wright - Mar 15 2019
  • I often feel that I’m hardly making it, and I need a lot more wisdom. Please pray that God will give me wisdom for success in every area of life. Pray for the wisdom to succeed in college, in all my classes. Pray for wisdom to take care of my health. Pray for wisdom in relationships. I graduate in 2 months, so pray especially for wisdom to plan for the future. Wisdom to plan out where to live, and wisdom to apply for the right job for after I graduate. Pray for wisdom to pursue and fulfill God’s purpose and calling for my life. Pray for wisdom to live for the Lord and serve the Lord well. Pray for wisdom in every area of my life, and that God will answer this beyond anything I could imagine. Thanks.
    Seth McAdams - Feb 17 2019
  • Hello friends in Christ. I am Moses from Kenya. I need my friends to pray for me. I feel there is a heavy curse lying on me. I cannot finish my education and I lack finances yet I have siblings I take care of We are orphaned. May God open my ways through your faithful prayers.
    Moses Onyango - Feb 13 2019
  • I thank the Lord that He helped me to go back home to my family! I praise him with all my heart! I have missed my home country so much that it has made me physically and mentally sick. May the Lord heal me fully! With all my heart i scream to the Lord do not send me back to Australia! Please provide a solution that i do not need to leave home again! But if it is the Lords will help me to have the strength to go back. May He help me back home again when it is time.
    Tuija Marjanen - Feb 13 2019
  • Let me do something. Pray for my finance.
    Sathish Hari - Feb 06 2019
  • I am from India,Nagaland.Please pray for my marriage restoration.My wife and i are living seperately for 4 and half years.I have tried to bring her back in my life but she is not willing to come back.I am so scarred and worried and i don't know what to do.We don't communicate at all.I love her so much.our marriage is on a brink of a break.Please pray for my wife so that Jesus can touch her heart.I am so broken.I need help.Thank you
    rentsamo murry - Jan 27 2019
  • I'm a single father with kids Please pray my agency finds me work and my car will keep running to make it to work. My daughter also has a lump pray it goes away. Thank you
    Henry Shaner - Jan 26 2019
  • Removed my negative programming from past , remove , fear and pain, hate in all my thoughts and action that is to in every giving moment, remove all seen and unseen forces that’s is causing me to fail and procrastinate and replace it with confidence , love , happiness.
    CHARLES WRIGHT - Jan 08 2019
  • I’m living in the city of Portland, OR, and I will soon be graduating with a bachelor’s degree. I’ve attended different churches, and one regularly, but I haven’t had the sense that I’ve found a real church home, where I can really grow. Please pray that the Lord will lead me to a church home of His choosing. Pray for a church that teaches Scripture in such a way that people are growing, that is serious about home Bible studies. Pray for a church with powerful weekly corporate prayer, a church where there is also deep corporate repentance, where they preach holiness. Pray for a church where there is deep love, community and family, and also a church that reaches out to the community. Pray for a church where people’s lives are changing and growing. Pray for a church where I will be able to meet a godly Christian woman who will become my wife, and raise a godly family. Thanks for your prayers.
    Seth McAdams - Jan 06 2019
  • Pray God Blesses Filiberto
    - Jan 01 2019
    charles wright - Dec 24 2018
  • Can you pray for me (Jamal Cheatham) that God will put a repentance spirit in me and for me to be delivered from all spiritual attacks of Satan in my mind; I’m asking in Jesus name. Amen
    Jamal Cheatham - Dec 17 2018
  • Please Pray...I'm 46 ,Never been in a relationship,been praying for relationships for over 22 years.Please Please Pray GOD sends me (Phil Chavez) life partner quickly real soon In JESUS Name
    Phil Chavez - Dec 16 2018
  • I'm being sued for a repossessed car. Please pray I can find help. I am a single father with two kids and don't want to lose everything.
    Henry Shaner - Dec 08 2018
  • I’ve been a regular giver for years, but I’ve always felt that I don’t have a complete enough understanding how God wants me to handle finances, so I wanted to ask for prayer for this. I view the tithe as more of a principle than an absolute, but please pray that God will give me clarity and a depth of understanding about the tithe. Should the tithe be out of the net or gross income? Pray for clarity on where the tithe should go. Should I give it all to my local church, or can I divide it between different ministries? Also, please pray for clarity on how I should handle giving while I’m getting out of debt. Should I still give above and beyond? Should I give less? Please pray for God’s great wisdom and insight about these things. Thank you so much.
    Seth McAdams - Nov 30 2018
  • Please Pray...I'm 46 ,Never been in a relationship,been praying for relationships for over 22 years.Please Please Pray GOD sends me (Phil Chavez) life partner quickly real soon In JESUS Name
    Phil Chavez - Nov 24 2018
  • Thank you for your prayers I am in spain I am in straights, I have massage business in paris but God sent me here Please pray I need a nice place to stay, I just released my first album if you can pray for God to give me income from the music to find good musicians for many people every month to buy the cd and singles so I can live on music thank you I need a place to stay I am staying with a family now For a court case in USA so that I can go back to USA For my dad jacques to have hi contract renewed and new contracts for him and my mom and brother Billy to be saved For mom Suzan to be healed from lupus and brother billy to be healed from bipolar thank you Phil
    phil phil - Nov 09 2018
  • Urgent request: Please pray for David and his family who are experiencing imminent and ongoing persecution in their home country. Please pray for protection, and for them to experience peace during this very difficult time.
    - Oct 24 2018
  • Special prayer for my current job for the lord to remove all evil both seen and unseen from around at my job in every area. To give me the opportunity to train at my job in computers for current what I'm currently studying in school for IT Engendering. Acquire a $100,000 Job.
    charles wright - Oct 23 2018
  • ABA seeks intensive intercessory prayers for his family and friends. They are seeking for divine intervention and breakthrough in their miscellaneous challenges
    - Oct 05 2018
  • My friend Patricia is blind and she is a sole breadwinner for her kids since she is a widow may God intervene. May the good Lord bless me with a marriage. My brother and my daughter to find a job. My spiritual growth and my financial breakthrough.
    Queen - Oct 05 2018
  • Hello i am requesting prayer because i am moving to another country in Europe i went ti black hills mission college thank you to pray for God to give me a good business good employees and clients for success in music good musicians and a long term quiet place to stay For friends and a girlfriend for succes sin evangelism for people to accept the truth and turn to God for protection thank you
    phil phil - Oct 02 2018
  • I ask healing in Jesus name
    daniel beck - Sep 17 2018
  • I ask healing in Jesus name
    daniel beck - Sep 17 2018
  • Prayers for my dad to get his land back.
    Kelly I - Aug 24 2018
  • 5 members died already/6 siblings remaining; PRAY THE TRINITY WILL GIFT-GRACE-GRANT health, wisdom, SALVATION 1st & foremost: Francesca, Juan Luis, Catalina, Florentine, Roberta, twin Ronaldo;this very date, place, time, year 2018;
    dena-antoinette chisholm - Aug 22 2018
  • Pray for god heal my bad back.. lumber L1 L2 L4 L5 L3
    charles wright - Jul 29 2018
  • Verle is a full time disable vet. He has stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver. He has never been an alcoholic. He needs a liver transplant. Please pray that his visit with the specialist will go well and that God's will will be done. Please pray for Verle's spiritual and physical healing.
    Verle Edwards - Jul 23 2018
  • Dear Lord; The desires of my heart is to find/meet a help meet o- equally yoked to share in a humble health evangelism and medical missionary work ministry. In Jesus name.
    Mitchell B Barlow - Jul 15 2018
  • Special prayer for me “Charles Wright,: and my girlfriend “ Lisa Ariotti “ relationship to workout more loving and happiness, high vibrations and protective us from seen and unseen force physical and spiritual
    charles wright - Jun 18 2018
  • Special prayer for me “Charles Wright,: and my girlfriend “ Lisa Ariotti “ relationship to workout more loving and happiness, high vibrations and protective us from seen and unseen force physical and spiritual
    charles wright - Jun 18 2018
  • Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Humbled yet full of gratitude for being the least of God's people, I am overwhelmed with gratitude to God for His unending love, for my Ph.D. scholarship mentors, Mrs. Roda, Doctors Andy and Loree Roda, my spouse, Reymundo, my children for all their endless support, AUP for my teaching and Language Center Coordinator post and to all of you for being my prayer warriors. Please help me beg for wisdom from the Holy Spirit to stand on my behalf, to guide me during my dissertation final defense, to answer questions intelligently without doubts. Fervent prayers that I can give justice and light to my research, to touch the panel examiners to be gentle and be receptive to my answers, to my respondents to send back filled-out questionnaires very soon, and most esp. to finish my Ph. D this June,(inter-semester), 2018. I promised to offer this dissertation to God as I will share this book with Hong Kong, Thailand, Korea, Myanmar, and Phil. tertiary institutions once completed. I claim this prayer, with the promises in Romans 8:28 and Ephesians; 17-20. Also, that my husband will be faithful to God and our marriage vows, for Rae Therese, Brent, Aaron to be blessed with an overseas SDA job, Ranier and Boaz Joshua to excel with scholarships and give back the glory and talents to God. Thank you for lifting up my concerns to our merciful Creator. God bless us, all. Teresita(Tess) Belarmino, Ph. D candidate
    Teresita Belarmino - May 31 2018
  • Please pray that God will give us victory in court on 14th April (a mention) and 23rd May(a hearing) and later dates until the case is over. Nicholas & Edith Kenya
    Nicholas Nganga - Mar 29 2018
  • I need prayers to be motivated, productive and have a routine. I have no pleasure in doing things and it makes me sad and depressed. I am tired of being a grown up and not responsible, wasting time, addicted to electronics, and not active. I need God to intervene in my life. Amen
    Vlado A - Feb 23 2018
  • Please pray for healing for my brother Edwin Colon. He is in the hospital with liver infection, not doing well. Thanks for praying. God bless!
    Maribel Rodriguez - Feb 01 2018
  • Please pray for our friend Gordana as she is a baptized member of our church but is about to take a serious step with a non believer. Pray for an open, transformed heart and that someone will reach her with pastoral advice and Ellen Whites teachings on being unequally yoked and that she has strength to chooses God above all things during this test of faith.
    D - Dec 05 2017
  • I have two part time jobs now and I am so blessed that God gave me those two jobs so please pray so that I may do well on those jobs.
    Jonathan Ashbeck - Oct 17 2017
  • Preach to God to Heal my skin Powerfully. Preach to God to Give to me my checks Quick. Preach to God not to allow the enemy to hinder with wait. Preach Him to Act. Thank you! God Loves you! Preach to Him I hope she has what she desires to go shopping with now. Preach to Him how Quick, and Reality does matter. Preach to Him to Provide me with what He Promised me. Rebuke and bind any wait hinderers against me. Pray that God Gives to me Powerfully and Wonderfully. Thank you so much!
    Annette - Oct 06 2017
  • Please, now, today, pray for my son, Nathan. He went thru a circumstance yesterday that he said a "demon" inside of him caused him to act. He rejects the bible as truth, denies that there is a Loving Lord for him. Please pray that Nathan will say one, just one prayer to the Lord to heal him. And let the Holy Spirit do the rest. Love you all and thank you for listening to a mothers cry for help for her son.
    sheila Hinton - Aug 30 2017
  • [We read] In the King James Bible, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada and Poland. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher? Please pray that Poland, the USA/Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18). * Poland, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith in God through Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by grace only, * the Church in the USA, Canada – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church--Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." * my family: 1. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry—for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughter Ann, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15 2. Pray God's will and wisdom for me and my family; I ask God for great wisdom in school for Daniel, and for Edmund’s work situation, for Dorothy and Peter (also God's direction for his life) and Ann (Ann needs a husband), 3. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work. Edmund Krzeminski
    Edmund Krzeminski - Aug 26 2017
  • please pray that i find a place to stay before its too late pray that my income comes in time also for my health problems and that i find my wallet also that i sell all the furniture in the house also that i find someone to love me for me and have a family of my own
    brenda morris - Aug 26 2017
  • Please pray for my grandson, Jaiden who has been diagnosed with Lyme disease. He lives with his mother in Tenn and we don't get to see him much. THank you.
    Sheila - Jun 15 2017
  • My request is for Victoria L. to believe and follow Jesus.
    Dave - Jun 10 2017
  • Heavenly Father, Please prepare me to use what I have learned at school to find a stable job, and my lack of stable employment, that has brought great strife between me family and I an especially my brother who I do not get along with, that I will be able to fill my role in my personal family as my parents oldest child. For, volunteering is great community service work but it does not pay the bills and outside ministry work is not realistic full time, at my age, in all kinds of weather that could bring me down and or make me ill-being in the outdoors all the time. Lord bless me with the faith that you can provide me with a job indoors part time as senior where in my field of study that will allow not to have be on my feet all the time because I am getting older nor that means sitting all the time but with a even amount of standing sitting that is healthy for senior in need of employment.
    SDA Senior Crying for stable employment - May 06 2017
  • Prayers for Victoria L. and her family.
    Dave - Apr 17 2017
  • Please pray that Theodore Gustave Pearson get good news from all doctors this week.
    B P - Mar 29 2017
  • I ask that you guys pray for my best friend Tiffany Concepcion to accept Jesus Christ as her savior and allow him to enter her heart, mind, body, and soul. I ask that you guys pray for me and ask God to use me as his disciple and as her spiritual influence. She's always confused, depressed, and overwhelmed with life and and a life like that without Jesus Christ is not a life I want to see my best friend live. Thank you!
    David Jeanbaptiste - Mar 23 2017
  • Lord, I pray that Phil Chavez prays that your will be done in his life. And, may his home be free of the pestilence. Amen
    - Mar 23 2017
  • Dear friend, My brother has a rare form of cancer know as ''B-RAF MELANOMA''. They say it's inoperable and it's terminal. He is only 36 years old. I am scared and I fell God is punishing me for completely rebelling against him for a time. Please can you pray for the remission of his cancer. Today, he has been in considerable pain! His name is Ben Willey Thankyou - Dean Willey
    dean willey - Mar 17 2017
  • PRAY this very date,time, year 2017: for my absolute, complete, total; cure-healing-relief from pain-release of my pain dropped 'n 2 a bottomless pit;
    dena-antoinette chishollllm - Mar 06 2017
  • Please pray for my salvation and healing.
    Jay Smith - Feb 15 2017
  • Pray for my family. We are going through a difficult time living in poverty.
    Mr Kelly I - Jan 31 2017
  • Please pray for my uncle Jack, I pray that it is God's will for him to get out of the nursing home and to come stay with us. It would ease my mind for so many different reasons! I Pray that he can come to know Jesus as his personal savior! Please pray for this in the Name of Jesus. Amen
    Anonymous Anonymous - Jan 28 2017
  • my church is made about 40 members of whom about 5 are employed.we want to build a church and request prayers for financial and material blessing for us to build our church i am also requestinq for prayers for me to be confirmed at work.i am 1 year old at my job.
    phedelice masiyiwa - Jan 12 2017
  • Please pray to the lord to stop the evil doers in high place in USA government to stop attacking America systems directly and indirectly. on all levels of intellect. stop spraying in air. genetic modified food , FEMA camps. Stop evil conspiracy against global take over. Please place good people in government.
    charles wright - Jan 03 2017
  • i really need prayer to move from my kindergarten class to a new kindergarten class at Gersik on January 2017. i really need to move because my kindergaten class is far from my house and youngest child's school just now. Also end of this year or on this end of Dec 2016 coinciding my department have a rearranggement to teacher and asisstant teacher so i really hope and wish i can transfer to a new class and can go to and back from school by one way with my youngest child everday with an easy transpotion. Thanks a lots for your support and commitment to pray for me. God bless you and all SeventhDay Adventist family members there.
    Nes Nesty - Dec 29 2016
  • 1.) for protection, safety, and security over my life, 2.) for proper dental care, medical care, and optical care, 3.) for 'love' - for finding/meeting my 'equallyoked helpmeet' whomever she is, 4.) for decent, dignified, peaceful, quiet, affordable housing, 5.) for a suitable job that brings in a 'gainful' income, 6.) for NO ENEMIES, NO ENEMIZERS, NO PERSECUTORS, and 7.) for a happy, healthy lifestyle for a long long long life. IN JESUS NAME
    Mitchell B Barlow - Dec 25 2016
  • am standing on the promise made in Matthew 21:22 (KJV) 22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Philippians 4:19 (NIV) 19 And my God will meet all your needsaccording to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Please Lord Jesus give me the firefill heart and soul so the Devil can not go near me. Let the devil not hinder this prayer request in anyway. Please please Lord Jesus, make today the day that what is owed to me to be given to me graciously as it was promised to me and it is what is owed to me, as it has been way to long/ overdue. You promised to be the justification and returner for our cause when we ask. Please Lord Jesus hear my desperate Cries for 7 fininical blessing from heaven today. Please turn not away and hear my cries. Let no evil force have any power over me or to block any of my request. Please Lord heal my back and the back and leg of Tom today. Please Lord give a spiritual healing today. Please Lord return me to my highest form and let me stay there. I desire to go back and help people and use my God given ability to do so. Please Lord place me in a Job after I Move that will allow me to help people using my God Given ability. God please Bless me with Wisdom, intelligence and compassion greatly above and beyond human ability. Restore my Body fully OLord as I love and Follow the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Give my body complete healing today. Lord please wipe away any Debts that I have and let they no longer exist or be forgiven. Please Lord bless me today with my personal written prayer request that I wrote to you and prayed about. Please Lord Jesus, Correct and Forgive the scammers that email or called be to try to steal. Pour your blessings on them today Lord Jesus. Please send the Holy Spirit To give them great correction and remorse so they can be saved and change their ways before it is to late. Lord make me a fighter for your cause. I Loss my wife last February and almost gave up, but your sprit raised me up and I know I still have purpose. Please Lord Jesus use me and let me use my ability to help others, as I love helping others and I don't want to waste my gift. I been helping people a long time, but find myself sitting in idol with the engine ready but can't seem to get into gear. Please please Lord God hear my Cries and answer my request, as I am faithful to and thankful for the blood of the Lamb that saved a person like me. Pour the blessing on me today. I know I ask a lot but you are the God that has a lot to give. I thank you wholeheartedly for all you give. Please Lord Jesus hear and answer this request today. In Jesus mighty name
    Brian D. - Dec 16 2016
  • I have been working at my current job since March but it has been slowing down since after Labor Day because it is a small business so please pray so that I may find a second job so that I can work days when I am not working at my current job.
    Jonathan Ashbeck - Nov 15 2016
  • My prayer request is for emotional healing and victory over an addiction. Thank you and God Bless!
    Gerald - Oct 23 2016
  • Michael is my son and he is currently struggling with the things of this world and the battle between the Lord and Satan for his heart. He is in need of Gods direction and strength
    Michael - Oct 21 2016
  • Please pray for healing and reconciliation in our marriage.
    Tim Rushold - Oct 10 2016
  • If you could pray please for God to rebuke the devourer for my sake some employees and clients steal from me for God to intervene in this matter as the French law does not do anything tFor a court case in june 2017 in the which someone is asking 20000 Euros in the which she only worked as employee 2 days For the French people to receive the truth of the 3 Angel s message and turn to JESUS for me to have a long term SDA girlfriend and to have good friends thank you God bless
    fabien FABIEN - Sep 30 2016
  • Please pray for my son Preston who has dizziness and discomfort focusing his eyes. also for pressure on one of his eyes, I denounce glaucoma in the Name of Jesus and I overcome it with the Blood of Jesus. I ask complete healing of the dizziness and discomfort he feels and the root of it be dissolved in the Name of Jesus, that he will have quality of life. I give God all the Glory and Gratitude to Jesus. Thank you.
    Esther Johnson - Aug 28 2016
  • Pray for the neighborhood of Dellrose, the 1300 block (USA). Let me and my neighbors be saved from the wicked! That the evil here would be swept away. That those that need evicted would be evicted, and that those who need to move away will move away. That those who need saved would get saved. Pray those renting – those that have been a plague & curse upon this neighborhood since they moved in (stealing, vandalizing, disturbing the peace, etc) would move away! Pray that peace and quiet would return; that this neighborhood would be cleansed, purged and sanitized. That respect, and love would return between neighbors. That it would become a crime free place again. Should some of this not be in the will of God, then please pray that He would give me the financial means/resources that I'd need to leave this area. In the name of Jesus, Amen
    LJ Nail - Aug 06 2016
  • Please pray for Larry Joe Nail III. Pray that God would grant him the knowledge, wisdom, skills and abilities to be a good nurse. And pray that he would be a good fit and successful on his unit. That those under his care would be in the safest place, under the best of care. Pray for a financial miracle in his life- it'd be a blessing for him to have no debt having just finished nursing school, or to have just a small amount. Pray the Lord would bless him with a good wife; someone pleasing to his eyes, but also pleasing to the Lord! A lady who would truly love him more than anything – except God. And pray for his neighborhood, that it would become quiet, peaceful and crime free (it's somewhat an anxiety problem for him).
    Larry Nail - Aug 01 2016
  • Hello to you i was wondering please if you could pray because i am receiving flyers to evangelize Paris it is a very hard city people seem to be engrossed in themselves please pray for the Holy Spirit to reach deep into their souls, for them to be extremely interested and do deep studies on the truth and for them to accept truth and live forever with JESUS Also for demons to leave people who around me everythere i go trouble me and speak behind my back Also for me to be soon financially independent through investing thank you for God to help me achieve this soon For my parents to be saved and eliminate addictions for my dad Jacques to he leahed from eyes and have financial blessings for my mom Suzan to he healed from skin cancer thank you
    LKL LKLKL - Jul 08 2016
  • Please pray for my husband to be free of his demons, and have peace and freedom and Christ Jesus, as a new man. May God change me as well.
    - Jun 11 2016
  • Please pray that I prevail on appeal and that my case can at least go to trial in my wrongful termination lawsuit. It was dismissed but I appealed to a higher court. I should know what the decision is from Appellate Court tomorrow, May 5, 2016. Please pray that I get good news.
    kb . - May 04 2016
  • Hello brothers and sisters if you could help me please, My dad is 75 still working i have very little income in massage business in Europe my dad is in the USA I do some mission work if he dies i have no clue how to get out of this situation I have been interested in real estate buying in London if you could pray for God to give me loans easily and buy something like 4 appartments so that i can have income For someone to accept my situation with no fixed income and loan to me Right now the French gov is helping me with some money thank you In my business i work 8 hours a day seeking sometimes 1 or 2 clients a day and employees in fact i have been seeking empoyees since christmas with no suceess if you can pray that God blesses me in my business thank you Also if you can pray that i could get along with people in France as for no reason a lot of hate when i give the Bible flyers in the streets for no reason And for God to send me good friends and girlfriend Also my dad lost one of his contract and has less income for him to find large long term contracts to be able to pay all things and ave money thank you God bless
    FAB FABIEN - Feb 15 2016
  • I had graduate high school last year and I had been unemployed from September until late January. Now that I have a job please pray so that I may do well on the job.
    Jonathan Ashbeck - Feb 09 2016
  • For Kate: I pray for vitality and strenght in my arms and legs/but for feeling of stiffness and swelling to loose it,s grip For Lida: suffering from high blood preassure and post-stroke condition
    kate itema - Jan 18 2016
  • Alumni Notes The Executive Committee of the Lake Region Conference has invited Samuel Thomas, Jr., '81, to serve as senior pastor of the City Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church in Detroit, Michigan. Elder Thomas' installation service is scheduled for December 5, 2015.
    Prayer Request: For people in our churches need jobs. - Dec 11 2015
  • Right now I need a new job because my last two jobs have been expired and one of them is only seasonal so please pray so God may find me a new job according to His plans. I had been graduated from high school since May 30 and I am currently unemployed.
    Jonathan Ashbeck - Oct 06 2015
  • Please pray for my best friend, Zella. Her father's health is failing and the family is facing a difficult decision. Please pray that the Lord gives her and her family the strength to get through this, as well as, using this opportunity for them to know God's mercy and His love.
    Nichole Cooper - Jun 25 2015
  • I have now completed high school and my graduation ceremony is Saturday at 1:00 Central Time at the high school. As I walk out please pray that I may be led by God's hands and I am having a hard time deciding what I want to do after school.
    Jonathan Ashbeck - May 29 2015
  • Hello I am so sad for my brother Billy what n extremely sad life! Billy was deported from the USA 15 years ago without being able to come back . The authorities do not tell Billy when or if he could come back . Since in France Billy has behaved and been off drugs since 15 years. He goes to AA in a protestant church in Paris this is about all the religion Billy has He has no friends whatsoever he is 40 now No love whatsoever Billy has not had any girlfriend nor any love since 20 years can you immagine the extreme loneliness! Plus Billy is fat very overweight and he used to be thin! On top of that he has manic depression and he nas not worked in 20 years Please pray for Billy for his extremely lonely existence and uproductive existence . As an osteopath I know the cure for both obesity and manic depression but for some reason my parents and billy do not listen much. I know tht obese people are only mineral defficient same for manic depression which can be caused by lack of B3 But the problem is that minerals can be taken by suplements or juicing homemade vegetables and fruits . If you can pray please for Billy to take multi minerals everyday 3 times a day and do juicing to change his life And if you can pray for Billy to be healed from manic depression and do something he loves doing . He likes car maybe he could be mobile mecanic and go repear people's cars And if you can pray for Billy to have much love and compassion and find a girlfriend always to be happy and finally for Billy to find Jesus and to have a daily relationship with Jesus and the same for my parents Jacques and Suzanne And for me to be blessed financally and in finding love thank you
    jean jean - May 12 2015
  • Please Pray GOD will Bless me and empower me with the HOLY SPIRIT in JESUS Name,i need the HOLY SPIRIT to help me for i am lost,confused and wandering Luke 11:13 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” ...Please Pray for this request also...I'm 43 ,Never been in a relationship..Please Pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) women companion for loving relationship in JESUS Name Amen.Pray GOD brings me relationship exceedingly abundantly above what i can imagine in JESUS Name Amen.
    Phil Chavez - May 07 2015
  • Please pray that my girlfriend and I would be reconciled and reunited after a series of mistakes and misunderstandings. I love her with all my heart and would like to marry her if God is willing. I am faithful to her and in humility and sincerity forgive all. Thank you.
    Max Brodt - Apr 25 2015
  • Hello to you if you could pray for my parents Jack and Suzan tey have heard the truth for a long time and still do not know God . If you could pray for Jack and Suzan's salvation thank you They just bought a house they have been paying rent for me and my brother for years because if financial difficulties to find a job here in France They are thinking about buying the house they have been staying in If youcould pray for them to do a good transaction to be able to invest well As they are thinking about leaving Florida and going to Mexico a while to work If you could pray for them tu put good people in the house to rent and the house to be paid for fast And also if you could pray for God to help me invest wisely in France and to have loans to find a nice shop to do massages as I am starting with groupon in one week and still I have not found a shop thank you If you could pray for my parents to reminelize their body to be free from addictions like drinking and tobacco and to eat well thank you God bless
    fabien fabien - Apr 19 2015
  • 1..Please Pray GOD will get rid of all bed bugs in my house and they never return. Been fighting them for over 5 months and can't get rid of them without GOD.Bed bugs suck your blood when your sleeping and take away your peace of mind.When you think you might have gotten rid of them ,they return.In JESUS Name Pray GOD removes all bed bugs from the house i live in and they never return.Pray no bed bug from my house ends up in anyone else s house...2... I'm 43 ,Never been in a relationship..Please Pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) women companion for loving relationship in JESUS Name Amen.Pray GOD brings me relationship exceedingly abundantly above what i can imagine in JESUS Name Amen.
    Phil Chavez - Apr 10 2015
  • I'm 43 ,Never been in a relationship..Pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) lady companion for loving relationship in JESUS Name Amen.Pray GOD brings me relationship exceedingly abundantly above what i can imagine in JESUS Name Amen.
    Phil Chavez - Apr 03 2015
  • Helo to you I am requesting prayer because I am starting roupon, if you can pray for God to send me customers to make a good living and especially to find a business location and shop I can rent easily and with great success thank you. If you can pray for succes sin evangelism and to find friends easily and long lasting girlfriends as when one leave I can find another one easily and speedily thank you And for God to save and heal my parents Jack and Suzan and my brother billy from manic depression and my cousin Florian from addictions And for God to work mightily on the French people most atheist or Muslims for them to accept the 3 Angel's message and to be saved at last God bless
    fabien fabien - Apr 02 2015
  • Helo to you I am requesting prayer because I am starting roupon, if you can pray for God to send me customers to make a good living and especially to find a business location and shop I can rent easily and with great success thank you. If you can pray for succes sin evangelism and to find friends easily and long lasting girlfriends as when one leave I can find another one easily and speedily thank you And for God to save and heal my parents Jack and Suzan and my brother billy from manic depression and my cousin Florian from addictions And for God to work mightily on the French people most atheist or Muslims for them to accept the 3 Angel's message and to be saved at last God bless
    fabien fabien - Apr 02 2015
  • Please Pray GOD will get rid of all bed bugs in my house and they never return. Been fighting them for over 5 months and can't get rid of them without GOD.My mom is scared she woke up with a bunch of bed bugs biting her.In JESUS Name Pray GOD gets rid of the bed bugs and they never return.And Please pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) woman companionship In JESUS Name Amen.
    Phil Chavez - Mar 24 2015
  • Hello to you my name is Fabien, if you could pray for e I am missionary in France I have a mobile massage business one of the girls who worked with me refused to pay me After a few days she came to give me the money she threw the money on the ground 3 man were in the background waiting! I took the money and came back home. Now I received a letter saying that I have to go to court because she was fired unlawfully It says I might have to pay around 10000 Euros I hardly can even can pay my rent. She did 3 massages then she quit. Th court case is March 18 if you could pray so that truth comes out and that she be seen as a transgressor trying to steal money and threats by hr boyfriend and manipulations. And if you could pray so that I do not have to pay anything as she is the one who quit .And if you can pray so that I can receive many massage clients for me everyday easily And for God to tell me if I should stay in Montpellier or go to Paris Please help I have no friends no income very hard to find an appartment here and when my parents die what will I do! I rent because of my dads papers! Employees have been stealing from me for years! Totally lonely and alone with no girlfriend since 20 years! Thank you for your prayers and help desperate! Thank you God bless
    fabien fabien - Mar 16 2015
  • Greetings in Jesus' name. Please pray for urgent location and vocation issues, and for health+ finances. Please pray for conversion for R, A, D, P, and J. Thanks.
    - Feb 22 2015
  • Please Please Please Pray the HOLY SPIRIT leads as many people possible to pray for this Prayer Request...Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with my Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD .I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 20 years,I'm 42 years old now....Pray also GOD Blesses every person that Prays for me...Thank You
    Phil Chavez - Feb 13 2015
  • My feet have been "in the Jordan" more than a week., and more firmly so today. Please pray for the way to open up for me to rcontinue moving forward. Thanks.
    - Feb 08 2015
  • Please Please Please Pray the HOLY SPIRIT leads as many people possible to pray for this Prayer Request...Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with my Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD .I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 20 years,I'm 42 years old now....Pray also GOD Blesses every person that Prays for me...Thank You
    Phil Chavez - Dec 06 2014
  • Please pray for Jannell Bradely that she lives and makes a full recovery she is in the hospital in critical condition
    kim . - Nov 26 2014
  • Please pray for Jannell Bradely that she lives and makes a full recovery she is in the hospital in critical condition
    kim . - Nov 26 2014
  • Please pray that God returns Alison's love to me and creates enmity between other men like Reed Clifford, Dale, and Lester. Also, for victory over my sins. All according to God's will.
    Daniel Perez - Nov 26 2014
  • Please pray for Jennell she is in extremly critical care in the hospital please pray that she makes it through and also remember barron in prayer in this unfortunate time.
    kim . - Nov 25 2014
  • Please Please Please Pray the HOLY SPIRIT leads as many people possible to pray for this Prayer Request...Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with my Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD .I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 20 years,I'm 42 years old now....Pray also GOD Blesses every person that Prays for me...Thank You
    Phil Chavez - Nov 18 2014
  • I had started my senior year in high school on September 2 and this is my final year in school. Because it is still early in the school year it will even be a while before I even graduate. I also need to continue to develop my own personal relationship with God, continue to stay positive, and I do accept Christ as Lord and Savior.
    Jonathan Ashbeck - Nov 14 2014
  • Firstly,I want to say a massive thank you for your previous prayers - as God has answered the prayers regarding my family issues - and every day it's getting better. The problem is now me - I am a social worker by profession and I have been out of work for 4 years - financially I and my husband are struggling. I went to an interview on Wednesday and knew from the onset that I did not get the job - my confidence and self esteem is at an all time low because I feel scared at the prospect of not having or getting a job. Please pray for me that God will bless me with a job. Thank you, your sister in Christ Auj
    Auj - Nov 07 2014
  • Firstly,I want to say a massive thank you for your previous prayers - as God has answered the prayers regarding my family issues - and every day it's getting better. The problem is now me - I am a social worker by profession and I have been out of work for 4 years - financially I and my husband are struggling. I went to an interview on Wednesday and knew from the onset that I did not get the job - my confidence and self esteem is at an all time low because I feel scared at the prospect of not having or getting a job. Please pray for me that God will bless me with a job. Thank you, your sister in Christ Auj
    Auj - Nov 07 2014
  • Please Pray GOD will get rid of all bed bugs and ticks in my house and they never return. Been fighting them for a week and cant get rid of them without GOD.Please Pray I don't have to do anything myself anymore because it's been real stressful trying to get rid of them.Please Thank GOD for answering this Prayer also in JESUS Name. Thank You
    Phil - Oct 18 2014
  • My brother KEN ERHARDT has glymoblastoma Brain Cancer Iand his angry twin brother was very angry , the doctors gave him only 2 months to live and he is till here God has not got him this far to let him go. Relatives friends are all part of a angery army against us . my brother is inthe hospital and they will not operate on him so it is up to a miracle of God's powerful healing hand a miracle to heal my brother KEN & bring him back home here wear he belongs We want to treat him with amazing laws of health We are claiming the promises of healing from diseases WE beive in miracles Tell eryone to pray urgentally now thank you kindly I am all alone on this with my Brother KEN ERHARDT PRAY FOR MY BROTHER KEN ERHARDT THank you kindly Vivian
    Vivian Ireland - Jul 30 2014
  • My brother KEN ERHARDT has glymoblastoma Brain Cancer Iand his angry twin brother was very angry , the doctors gave him only 2 months to live and he is till here God has not got him this far to let him go. Relatives friends are all part of a angery army against us . my brother is inthe hospital and they will not operate on him so it is up to a miracle of God's powerful healing hand a miracle to heal my brother KEN & bring him back home here wear he belongs We want to treat him with amazing laws of health We are claiming the promises of healing from diseases WE beive in miracles Tell eryone to pray urgentally now thank you kindly I am all alone on this with my Brother KEN ERHARDT PRAY FOR MY BROTHER KEN ERHARDT THank you kindly Vivian
    Vivian Ireland - Jul 30 2014
    therese caRON - Jul 23 2014
  • my former employer is refusing with my terminal benefits. i am broke,and i am also in debts.pray for Mr Godfrey Nyakudya to release my benefits soon.pray also that Our God can soften his heart and release my money. thanks for praying for me
    phedelice masiyiwa - Jul 10 2014
  • my employer is failing to pay me,and as such iam heavy debts. i am now looking for a job
    phedelice masiyiwa - Jul 03 2014
  • Please Please Please Pray the HOLY SPIRIT leads as many people possible to pray for this Prayer Request...Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with my Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD .I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 20 years,I'm 42 years old now....Pray also GOD Blesses every person that Prays for me...Thank You
    Phil Chavez - May 14 2014
  • I am requesting prayer for my manager's daughter, Presleigh. She is four yo and she is being sexually molested by her twelve yo half-brother in her father's home. The father knows about the abuse and medicates Presleigh's vaginal and anal areas after it has happened and denies that this is happening and is taking up for his son. The mother is going through DHR, has Presleigh in counseling, and has a lawyer to protect her child but it is not receiving help to protect her child from this abuse. Today, DHR deemed the father's home safe for Presleigh and the half-brother safe to be around. Presleigh reports that her father spanks her and tells her that she is not to say anything about what happens in his house. Presleigh is scared to go to sleep at night. She also calls her mother from her father's home crying and screaming for her mother to come get her. Please share this with EVERY prayer warrior that you know. This child needs help and protection and the family, including the father and half-brother, needs prayer.
    Pam Rawls - Mar 11 2014
  • Pray the HOLY SPIRIT leads as many people possible to pray for this Prayer Request...Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with my Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD .I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 19 years,I'm 41 years old now....Pray also GOD Blesses every person that Prays for me...Thank You
    Phil Chavez - Feb 01 2014
  • please pray to Heavenly Father that my case would be close in February 2014 and I get my green card in Jesus name.Amen
    alexandru Chistol - Jan 21 2014
  • Prayer for more Prayer...Please Pray GOD puts in the hearts and minds of multitudes of people to pray for my past and present Prayer Request In JESUS Name Amen....Thank You
    Phil Chavez - Jan 20 2014
  • Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with my Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD .I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 18 years,I'm 41 years old now.... Thank You for Your Prayers
    Phil Chavez - Jan 03 2014
  • Please Pray GOD Blesses me to be able to always have money to pay bills, buy food, and help others. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially to be able to buy Christmas presents this year; haven't had any money to buy Christmas Presents for 14 years. Thanks for your Prayers...Phil Chavez
    Phil Chavez - Dec 08 2013
  • Please pray that the Lord will give me wisdom and understanding, knowledge and discernment, prudence and insight, sound judgment and counsel--all the things Proverbs talks about. Pray for wisdom in all seasons and areas of life. Pray for both spiritual and practical wisdom. Pray for discipline and strength of character, and that I will grow in righteousness and holiness. Pray that I will grow in my relationship with the Lord. Thanks.
    Seth McAdams - Aug 31 2013
  • I beg of you brethren to plead with the Lord on my behalf. Beg him to heal me of my infirmities and to restore me to proper mental and physical health. Beg him to stop me from gaining excess weight, and beg him to free me from oppressive unclean spirits. I beg of you brethren to beg him to renew me every morning with his Holy spirit. I beg of you brethren to also beg of him to renew my little brother with his Holy Spirit every morning. I beg of you to ask him to have mercy on us.
    Jay Smith - Aug 27 2013
  • Please remember Barbara and Dwight Coder. His son committed suicide this week and she has colon cancer. My friend Sheila also is dealing with cancer on one of her kidney.
    Tammy Begley - Aug 23 2013
  • wow so happy with my sweet heart for coming back to me after a long fight and departure from each other for over two years now but we were so much in love and got same chemistry attached. i never went out with another guy cause i could not manage myself with another guy, i begged him and used his family members to plead wth him but he refused in all entirety, changed his handy contact cause of me one day my co-worker saw me crying in office and asked me what the problems were and i told her i was missing the love of my life she started laughing and says what i call problem is not it all. she went on discussed with me on how a spell caster brought her ex back in less than 3 days over a year now same guy she'S married to now after coming back to her life i held her for the contact of this spell caster she gave me as email I.D i sent an email when i got home and he asked me to carry out some functions i did without delay as i speak the love of my life came to my best friend'S house and my friend sent for me i went to see her not knowing it was a setup for my ex to see me, i got in and shocked saw my love opened his arms for me to come in and i did less than 5 minutes we made love like mad and we are back in fullness the spell caster with this address saved my collased relationship for of over 2 yearts just in 3 days incase you are into any mess contact him on he did it for me surprisingly i surely know you are going to wear a smile face when you contact him cause i do not want to keep this alone Charity Morgan from United States of America and i am 25 years old.
    charity morgan morgan - Aug 09 2013
  • Dear god please bless me with a godly hubby and bless me with a baby speedily.Amen.
    Anonymous - Jun 19 2013
  • Last month Gene McMahon suffered a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. I ask that you are willing to pray for him and for his complete recovery.
    Jonathan Ashbeck - Jun 18 2013
  • Please pray for me. I am a school teacher. I am in real danger of being terminated. I filed a complaint on my principal for yelling at teachers. Now she has fabricated numerous pieces of evidence on me stating that I was insubordinate to her, which is not true. Now its a chance I may be terminated. Please pray for me to keep my job. I had a hearing today at the board of education and they will issue their decision in two weeks. Thank you very kindly
    K B - Jun 11 2013
  • Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with a Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD.I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 18 years,I'm 41 years old now.Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially so i am able to by food and pay bills...Please also Pray GOD will put it in the hearts of multitudes upon multitudes of people to pray for my prayer requests ... Thank You....
    Phil Chavez - Jun 01 2013
  • Please Pray SDA member James Cash finds More work.Please Pray for the salvation of Lisa Chavez and Stan Rock.
    Phil - May 24 2013
  • My girlfriend lisa and her family is going through hard times and breaking up right now and we ask for prayer for god to put everything back together so they can be a family unit once more. I ask for prayer for the lord through Christ to get me out of economic bondage and have my online businesses succeed in 3 months enough so I can retire from my job and find out gods purpose for me and move us towards that direction to fulfill his purpose in this life.
    charles wright - May 23 2013
  • Please pray for my son, Michael and his relationship with his son's mother that they mend their differences. Also that Michael listens to the Holy Spirit. Thank you
    Sheila Hinton - May 20 2013
  • Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with a Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD.I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 18 years,I'm 41 years old now...Please also Pray GOD will put it in the hearts of multitudes upon multitudes of people to pray for my prayer requests ... Thank You.....
    Phil Chavez - May 10 2013
  • Please pray for my college senior class. Many are in danger of dropping out, including myself. Some have financial issues, others have academic issues - I have both. Please pray especially for some students in one specific class with a lecturer telling them that nobody can pass his final exam - he seems to take pleasure in failing students, which makes no sense. Please pray for debts to be paid up, late assignments to be completed and handed in and passed, and final exams to be passed, too, to God's honour and glory. Thank you so much.
    Ana - - May 02 2013
  • Please pray for my college senior class. Many are in danger of dropping out, including myself. Some have financial issues, others have academic issues - I have both. Please pray especially for some students in one specific class with a lecturer telling them that nobody can pass his final exam - he seems to take pleasure in failing students, which makes no sense. Please pray for debts to be paid up, late assignments to be completed and handed in and passed, and final exams to be passed, too, to God's honour and glory. Thank you so much.
    Ana - - May 02 2013
  • Please, please pray that my wife will get pregnant. We are going through IVF right now and just finished the last stage. We now have two embryos that we are hoping grow into babies! Please pray that God will allow that to happen and bless us with a child! Thanks! - Kyle and Ashley Taylor
    Kyle Taylor - May 01 2013
  • Heavenly father do not delay hear my cries I am waiting for your answer since 2 years in abusive situation now it is unbearable. Do not delay to deliver me from my cruel husband. Open his blind eyes to realise his sin of adultery & confess his sin & repent. You know he takes all my earnings. My mother-in-law supports him to hurt me & my child. Father you know I am all alone and have no support. I have hide my identity. Father please show me your WILL to take right decision IJN Amen
    Jilian Rose - Apr 23 2013
  • We are going through a custody battle for the children. I am fighting many lies. My “ex’ is not Christian and after coming from their mothers’ they pick up her profanities. They will then not be going to church anymore if she should acquire custody. My son Blake is asthmatic and daughter Maci has respiratory issues and she even smokes in the car with them, Please pray for our situation. She is also into witchcraft. The fervent prayer of a righteous person availeth much. God Bless you for your prayers.
    - Apr 21 2013
    michelle marie triska - Apr 18 2013
  • I ask you to pray for me and send to pray for my online business empower to succeed. My business online is need to be blessed and for me to make a million dollars by the end of this year. focus my building my talents and learn my purpose what god created me for. for to be successful in entertainment. Pray for the lord to make me and family happy and move away any physical and spiritual force of depression/sexual and failure in all aspects of life. Guild family toward the avenue of financial success. someone put a curse of failure on family 20 years ago and stated the whole family and children will fail in life and ask you to pray and send to pray meetings to remove and curse because no one in family is prospering which is true what they said. I was too small and think they were doing witchcraft , please pray to remove curse from whole family and friends and protection from seen and unseen forces. remove my depress state for 30 years , get rid of my short temper, and sharp wicked thoughts in my head also and sexual images which I don't think are thoughts of my own. family member told me a while that it's be spiritual issue. pray for god to make me happy, and remove the curse and for financial blessing, and the girl friend lisa business to prosper ASAP. For the lord to heal my girlfriend disease and maker her body completely whole. for my brother Randolph kids in foster care to end up in good hands with my sister. looking for improved results because I know god created all things and know how everything works.. thanks. I request for the to put shield around us , whole family and lisa and charles. A shield around our job at the work place. remove scene and unseen danger and vengeance on our enemies. for my brothers lloyd or us to get a nice place to live. give to pastor and prayer chains. lord to put us around the right people and books to read.
    charles wright - Mar 27 2013
  • Please pray for me for a financial windfall so I can pay off outstanding debts and I can restart living my life anew so I can live a new life that is delightful to God. This I ask in Jesus mighty name.
    Joel A. - Mar 25 2013
  • Hello to you I would like to ask prayer because i am going back to France in one month. I am a missionary and i am asking if you can pray first for me to find a place to stay in France. I do not the papers people need in France the 3 month salary to rent a place, as I have had no job for a while here in America. Please pray so I can find a nice place to stay, not expensive and with a terasse so I can grow some food and save money thank you. Please pray also for God to move mightily, eliminate darwinism in the minds of people, may they see clearly the truth and follow it. For God to cause them to be honest, to love eath other, to have faith in God and to eliminate selfishness. If you can pray for me to find a nice place to stay very fast, as it is going to be cold and i do not want to stay in my car. For God to provide a nice house to buy. For God to bless my massage business in France to grow and for me to rank easy on first page to have enough clients for everything I need, and to meet interesting people and someone special and friends. And for my ministry Thank you God bless all your needs also
    Fabien JIJI - Feb 12 2013
  • I am in preaching ministry in church,facing temptations,Kindly pray for my marraige,My mother is widow.Pl pray for us.Thanks.
    DIPAK SAMUEL - Feb 06 2013
  • Urgent , would like special prayer to god through Jesus. Take my business in and turn it around be with the top earners in the industry income wise.  URGENTLY requesting a special special prayer for my "usafree" home business Empower Network ( ) for the lord to turn this business around 360% so I get off this employment pyramid structure system which is killing my time and talent and instead move toward developing my true and for the lord. ASAP. Place a shield around me at my current job until quit by July 2013. Give me power and strength to pay all tides and offereds to the church from my empower business. My goal is to make half million dollar by the end of the year 2013 and have god make my empower financial goals and vision become a reality immediately. And follow a plan to Get into the Business school for networking, and security, by July, 2013, with abundance of finance left over. We are Currently having financial issues. we live in bad area. and need to relocate in better neighborhood . Please place a special prayer for me (charles) and my brother (lloyd) to get the cheapest best quality 2 bedroom space apartment with awesome landlord within a 1 month (mid February) period in which we would really love. For the lord to work out issues with me and my girl / fiancée and have all our plans and better relationship work out smooth with positive result cording to gods will. For the lord have Lisa see and understanding the SDA religion through his sprit. Please give this message to all pastors and prayer meetings. place spiritual shield around lisa and my whole family.
    charles wright - Jan 16 2013
  • Hello brethren in Christ! I thank God for prayer warriors all over the world. My request is quite simple, but It is a long story. I will tell what happened over the past few months. I had a girl in two of my classes that I have been praying for. Her name is Talia Ghazal. Some time has passed, and unfortunately I got removed as a friend on her facebook. I was concerned with this, and I have kept this at my attention. I had it in my mind to apologize to her about this, and to find out why this was. Apparently, she complained to the campus police about "stalking," but I know this was not my intent.. I felt very sorry that she felt this way. I was to avoid contact. Some time has passed now, over 4 months since this ordeal, so I'm unsure how she feels now. Hopefully she is over this. I would ask that you pray that she can have peace of mind, and not to feel awkward about this anymore... I did not really talk to her much if at all this semester, but I did tell her to have a nice summer on the last day of one of my classes. I think she will be in one of my classes next semester, so pray I can be a better witness this time. Even more importantly, I also want you to pray that the love of Jesus fills her heart, that she will accept Christ as her Lord and Savior, and that the Holy Spirit will draw her into all the truth, so that she will be saved in God's kingdom one day. This is very important to me. Whatever may happen, that it will work out for good in the end. Prayers for a friend, Paul Walker. He was/is agnostic, but now seems to be into Judaism, but he said he is not interested in Bible stuff. I want him to know all the truth as it is in Jesus, and be saved. Prayers also for family in the same. Also, pray for a friend Everett Mauran. He has not been coming to church regularly, but occasionally. He knows the Bible, but sometimes chooses not to follow it. Pray that he will be refreshed in the love of Jesus, and that the Holy Spirit will do a work on him. Thank you very much.
    Dave Varone - Jul 28 2012
  • My money is very scarce now. I been stressed out. Please pray that I dont have any major car or house trouble or major bills. For the next few months until God blesses me. Pray that I get a major financial blessing. Thank You.
    anonymous anonymous - Jul 22 2011

Sabbath Time

Place: Shelbyville, IN

Start: 07:42 PM, 09/20/2024

End: 07:40 PM, 09/21/2024